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Copyright Registration India

Copyright is a form of Intellectual property and copyright registration is essential to protect come artistic and literary creations like movies, songs, dramatic arts, computer software and architecture. Copyright registration Act came into India in the year 1957 and the act came into effect in January 1958. It's extremely vital to preserve the right of an individual for his or her creation by registering it as per the rules and regulation. Copyright registration acts as a proof for any future claim if any cases will arise due to miscues or any wrong action by other parties without the consent of the actual owner. It works as government record especially, in case of plagiarism or copyright infringement by any individual without legal permission. There are numbers of patent and trademark registration firms are providing copyright registration in India. Copyright helps to keep safe and secured the original data, content, fact and expression by registering under the Copyright Registration Act.

How To Copyright in India?

Copyright registration act came into effect in the year 1958 and since then all the artistic and literary creations have been registered under this act. India is the home of many renowned artists and literary creations therefore, it needs to be protected their innovation in order to give them their right for future claim. One can register a copyright both online and offline as online copyright registration is gaining more popularity in these days due to its easy and simple process. Global Jurix, a leading reputed trademark and patent registration firm based in Delhi has been providing copyright registration services to numerous clients at affordable prices. Therefore, copyright registration in India is no more a complex process and one can have it with the help of many reputed trademark attorneys or trademark lawyers.

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