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Trademark Opposition

The Trademark Opposition is the action or process of making rigorous objection to the registration of any filed trademark application on any solid and justifiable grounds, at domestic or international levels. Such trademark oppositions are generically raised by owners of the registered trademarks in the same or different business fields (to which the filed trademark application for registration belongs). The rights to make trademark opposition (within trademark publication period) are granted to the owners of all registered trademarks in all economic fields by the concerned trademark authorities in the national and international jurisdictions. For making robust and effective trademark opposition, full and discerning assistance of an experienced and mellow trademark attorney is imperatively advisable. Our well-experienced and proficient trademark attorneys have been supporting and supervising trademark oppositions by individuals and entities in almost all economic sectors, both at domestic and international forums worldwide. At international level, the trademark oppositions well-supported by us adroitly pertained to the TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark (CTM).

Trademark Opposition Procedure in India

After being fully satisfied with the filed trademark application, the trademark office publishes the application in its official journal, for general approval by owners of all previously registered trademarks in diverse fields. In India, such application is published in the Indian Trade Marks Journal for a period of three months. Opposition to the registration of the proposed trademark, on any specified grounds, is to be raised within this publication period. The trademark opposition procedure starts with filing Form-5, with the concerned zonal Registrar of Trade Marks. Ours one of the reputed and leading law firms in India, provides well-rounded and superb support for trademark opposition in india, in all across the country. Now, in the paragraph below, given is information regarding the trademark opposition procedure india.

After the receipt of the notice of opposition, the concerned Registrar of Trade Marks, issues a notice to the applicant of the proposed trademark, together with a copy of the notice of opposition. A period of two months is given to the applicant to reply to such notice, and thus, make the Counter Statement through the Form-6. In absence of any counter statement, the proposed trademark application may be declared abandoned or invalid. And if the applicant files a counter statement within the stipulated time period, a copy of its would be sent to the opponent requesting from him to furnish evidences in his support. Finally, the wise and judicious decision of the Registrar will be decisive and binding.

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